Leonardo’s Works 1. Arno Valley Pen drawing August 5, 1473 Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy 2. Annunciation,The 1473-1475 Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy 3. Madonna with the Flower 1473-1475 Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany 4. Baptism of Christ (collaboration with Verrocchio) 1473-1475 Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy 5. Annunciation, The 1476-1478 Louvre, Paris, France 6. Madonna Benois 1478-1500 Hermitage, St. Petersburg 7. Codex Atlanticus 1478-1518 Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan, Italy 8. Windsor Collection 1478-1518 Windsor Castle Royal Library, England 9. Portrait of Ginevra Benci 1478-1480 National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 10. Baroncelli, Bernardo Bandino Drawing of murderer of Giuliano de Medici December 28, 1479 Musee Bonnat, Bayonne, France 11. Adoration of the Magi 1481 Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy 12. Codex Arundel 1480 - 1518 British Museum, London, England 13. St. Jerome 1480 Vatican Museum, Rome, Italy 14. Virgin of the Rocks 1483-1486 Louvre, Paris, France 15. Horse, The Study for bronze statue dedicated to Francesco Sforza 1484 Windsor Castle Royal Library, England 16. Lady with an Ermine 1485 Czartoryski Museum, Cracow, Poland 17. Grotesque Heads 1487 Windsor Castle Royal Library, England 18. Codex Forster 1487-1488 Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England 19. Portrait of a Musician 1490 Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan, Italy 20. Codex Madrid II 1491 Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, Spain 21. Codex Madrid I 1492-1497 Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, Spain 22. Virgin of the Rocks 1494-1508 National Gallery, London, England 23. La Belle Ferroniere 1495 Louvre, Paris, France 24. Last Supper, The 1495-1498 Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan, Italy 25. Virgin and Child with St. Anne 1498 Cartoon National Gallery, London, England 26. Isabella d'Este 1500 Louvre, Paris, France 27. Madonna with the Yarn-Winder 1501 Lost. Copy in the Duke of Buccleuch Collection, Boughton, Kettering, England 28. Imola, Map of 1502 Windsor Castle Royal Library, England 29. Battle of Anghiari 1503-1506 Lost. Copy in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Italy. 30. Mona Lisa (Portrait of Mona Lisa del Giocondo) 1504 Louvre, Paris, France 31. Leda and the Swan 1506 Study; the painting is now lost. Windsor Castle Royal Library, England 32. Virgin and Child with St. Anne Painting 1509-1510 Louvre, Paris, France 33. Self-Portrait 1512 Biblioteca Reale, Turin, Italy 34. St. John the Baptist 1513 Louvre, Paris, France 35. Deluge, The 1514 Windsor Castle Royal Library, England ©1996 SoftKey Multimedia Inc., a subsidiary of SoftKey International Inc.